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8decisions > Program


Valuable, inspirational and insightful content available for all. Find us an listen to us here. YOUTUBE, SPOTIFY, SOCIAL MEDIA Learn from us. The 8 Decisions online program.

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4 one on one calls per year. Group coaching calls and live help. Personalized content including motivational and meditation audios. Bespoke tracking via our 8 decisions scorecard. Weekly emails and personalized reporting.

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All the features of the group subscription plus. Accountability coach dedicated to your success, with weekly calls. Asynchronous calls to a wide range of coaches based on your needs or challenges. Retreat discounts.

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Are you ready to take control of your life and unlock your full potential? At The 8 Decisions, we believe that optimizing your energy is the key to living a vibrant and fulfilling life. Our comprehensive approach combines proven techniques, practical strategies, and expert guidance to help you harness your energy and experience a profound shift in your overall well-being.

Discover how to align your physical, mental, and emotional energy to achieve peak performance in every aspect of your life. Through our tailored program, you'll learn effective methods to enhance your nutrition, improve your sleep, manage stress, and cultivate sustainable habits that support a balanced and energized lifestyle. Join us on this transformative journey as you make the decision to optimize your energy and unlock your true potential.

Follow us on YouTube to discover how we are adopting practices that create clean channels of energy.

Congratulations on making the courageous decision to embrace sobriety! At The 8 Decisions, we understand that embarking on this journey requires strength, determination, and unwavering support. Our community is here to provide you with the tools, resources, and encouragement you need to thrive in your sober lifestyle.

This phase also marks a stage in your journey in which you will learn how to disconnect from all addictions, anything that numbs the present moment. This includes therefore addictions to technology, sugar, evening netflix, caffeine, binge eating etc

Through our evidence-based approach, you'll gain valuable insights into addiction recovery, mindfulness practices, and personal growth. Our experienced professionals and compassionate community members are dedicated to helping you navigate the challenges and celebrate the triumphs along the way. Embrace your decision to be sober and let us be your guiding light on this transformative path towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Are you ready to break free from the limitations of your own thoughts? At The 8 Decisions, we believe in the power of self-awareness and understanding that you are not defined by your mind, and further, that your mind is not infact YOU. Through mindfulness practices, meditation techniques, and introspective exploration, you can tap into your true essence and experience a profound shift in your perception of self. The mind is better thought of as a mechanism, a part of your biological computer that is simply designed to steer you from danger.

Our expert-guided program will equip you with practical tools to observe your thoughts, detach from negative patterns, and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and clarity. By making the decision to transcend the confines of your mind, you open up a world of possibilities and embrace the freedom to create your own reality. Join us on this transformative journey as you discover the boundless potential that lies within.

The present moment is where life unfolds, and at The 8 Decisions, we believe that choosing to live in the here and now is the gateway to true happiness and fulfillment. Through mindfulness practices, conscious living, and embracing the power of now, you can let go of the past, release worries about the future, and fully immerse yourself in the richness of each moment.

Our tailored program will guide you in cultivating presence, awareness, and gratitude. Learn to let go of distractions, embrace stillness, and connect with the beauty of the present moment. By making the decision to live in the present, you embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to experience life's joys and possibilities in their purest form.

Are you passionate about empowering others on their transformative journey? At The 8 Decisions, we believe in the power of community and the impact we can create together. By making the decision to help others with their 8 decisions, you become part of a supportive network of individuals dedicated to personal growth, empowerment, and positive change.

Through our comprehensive training program, you'll develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to guide and inspire others. Learn effective coaching techniques, communication strategies, and leadership skills to make a profound difference in the lives of those around you. Join our community of driven change-makers and let's create a ripple effect of transformation together.

Unlock your true potential and step into a life of purpose, fulfillment, and success. At The 8 Decisions, we believe that you are capable of achieving greatness in every aspect of your life. By making the decision to live up to your potential, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.

Our program will empower you with practical tools, mindset shifts, and actionable strategies to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and embrace your unique strengths. With the guidance of our experienced mentors and the support of our community, you'll gain the confidence to pursue your dreams, set ambitious goals, and live a life that truly reflects your capabilities. Join us and unleash your full potential with The 8 Decisions.

Leadership begins with the decision to step into your own power and influence positive change in the world. At The 8 Decisions, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a leader, regardless of their background or position. By making the decision to embrace your leadership qualities, you embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, impact, and inspiration.

Learn how to you can help others create mindset shifts, and guide your community through transformative experiences to cultivate your unique leadership style. Learn effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving techniques that empower you to lead with authenticity, integrity, and vision. Join our community of aspiring leaders and unlock your ability to make a lasting impact on the world around you.

Take the first step towards a transformative journey today with The 8 Decisions. Embrace the power of conscious choices, self-discovery, and personal growth. Together, let's create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and empowerment.

Discovering your purpose is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and fulfillment. At The 8 Decisions, we believe that everyone has a unique and meaningful contribution to make in this world. By making the decision to understand your purpose, you open yourself up to a journey of self-discovery, alignment, and living a life of authenticity.

Our purpose-driven program combines introspective exercises, reflective practices, and expert guidance to help you uncover your passions, values, and strengths. Gain clarity on your life's mission, set meaningful goals, and develop a roadmap for success. Embrace the transformative power of purpose and embark on a fulfilling journey of self-realization with The 8 Decisions.


committing to 8 key decisions

Develop your knowledge & practice

Within each 2 hour long call, you will continue to develop your knowledge and practice by learning from experts, the founders and from others in the community.

Each call will be centered around accountability, scorecard commitment (see below), practice and constructive engagement and feedback to your fellow team members.

These are small teams designed to work as a unit, inspiring and driving each other for more, holding each other accountable.

For those familiar with the EOS business model, the scorecard works in a similar fashion. A process of reporting your achievements, successes, challenges and losses. This is a means of reporting on what practices you have stuck to, what you are struggling with and what you intend to do about it. This is not a competitive assessment against your peers (team members) but it is something you will want to remain accountable to, its this crucial component that will ensure you grow and develop throughout the program. It is also a means of measuring your journey to date.



We want you experience that spring in your step again, we want you to feel connected to your purpose, we want you to know what makes you truly happy and to experience that daily.



Imagine a method of recording your progress through a bespoke list of metrics. These metrics are aligned with the core practices and goals of the 8 Decisions as well as your own personal objectives that will bring you closer to your big picture vision of the future.

With weekly tracking, the scorecard holds you accountable and shows your progress, it also indicates your struggles and losses. Realistically, life will get in the way and occasionally you may fall behind on your metrics, the scorecard highlights the areas that need extra attention.

Discipline and commitment are key components of the 8 Decisions program, by combining the scorecard with your accountability pod, you will remain on target with your life goals.

track your progress
Your options


Valuable, inspirational and insightful content available for all:
Find us an listen to us here:
Learn from us:
The 8 Decisions online program

4 one on one calls per year
Group coaching calls and live help
Personalized content including motivational and meditation audios
Bespoke tracking via our 8 decisions scorecard
Weekly emails and personalized reporting

All the features of the group subscription plus:
Accountability coach dedicated to your success, with weekly calls
Asynchronous calls to a wide range of coaches based on your needs or challenges
Retreat discounts


Our Pricing Plan



  • Attending 2 calls a month, led by the founders and/or invited guest experts
  • Holding yourself accountable to the practice (including course material)
  • Joining the quarterly retreats
  • Commiting to a weekly scorecard (see below)
  • Watching and learning from expert tutorials
Choose This Plan