How was the event for you?
We hope it unlocked a door of potential, and opened your mind to the possibility of change.

If you were able to commit to a BIG decision, then great. If not, don't worry. We have something for you that, if you're willing, will help you do just that and more.

Have you found that when the new year rolls around and you decide to make a resolution to change, it's not too long before that resolution disappears from your mind?

Your daily commitments, distractions, and old habits simply pull you back to your old routine.

How was the
event for you?

We hope it unlocked a door of potential, and opened your mind to the possibility of change.

If you were able to commit to a BIG decision, then great. If not, don't worry. We have something for you that, if you're willing, will help you do just that and more.

Have you found that when the new year rolls around and you decide to make a resolution to change, it's not too long before that resolution disappears from your mind?

Your daily commitments, distractions, and old habits simply pull you back to your old routine.

Let's face it. This is common for most folks.

But let's not forget that you're a busy entrepreneur; the juggling of balls and deadlines that you handle with aplomb will always take precedence over the so-called more trivial aspects of your life.

We have, therefore, a solution.

We—Robert, Dave, and Jeff—have been there many times, understanding how life can simply get in the way of making significant decisions. All of us have led busy lives, been shackled by our corporate commitments, and allowed daily distractions to interfere. Allow us to guide you through a 30-day solution.

Firstly, who are we?


A father, a husband, and a serial entrepreneur with numerous successes and achievements already attained, including the growth of a wireless retail chain from $10 million to $100 million a year in less than 3 years. However, this pursuit, while commendable and inspiring to many, also left an empty space inside. He still felt disconnected from his purpose and, ultimately, his heart.

A father, a seeker and committed hacker of his biology, has been on a journey to optimise his mind and body since 2017, when he suffered a life-altering head injury. Since then, he has attained various qualifications in Breathwork, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Positive Psychology, Flow State Practice, and NLP. He shares his wisdom with his entrepreneurial clients and his YouTube audience via the channel Evolution of Dave.



A father, a seeker and committed hacker of his biology, has been on a journey to optimise his mind and body since 2017, when he suffered a life-altering head injury. Since then, he has attained various qualifications in Breathwork, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Positive Psychology, Flow State Practice, and NLP. He shares his wisdom with his entrepreneurial clients and his YouTube audience via the channel Evolution of Dave.


A lawyer turned spiritual coach. He guides leaders to reach their full potential in life and relationships. Using methods like coaching, meditation, and yoga, he helps create lasting changes in people's lives.

He co-founded AUREA, organizing summits for spiritual entrepreneurs to learn and connect.

If you want to make big, lasting changes to your existence, you have to commit and be disciplined and our 30 day challenge will help you do just that.

We want to give you your own team to back you up, hold you accountable and be there when you need the support.

Here’s what we want you to do:

Choose a vice that you want to remove from your life. It could be alcohol, it could be processed food, it could be doom scrolling on your phone. Pick a vice that you know, deep down, has the biggest negative impact on your daily existence.

Replace that vice with a healthy habit—a practice or activity that will serve you and positively impact your overall well-being and/or health. It could involve committing to cold showers, daily movement or exercise, or even journaling before bed. You will know what will have the greatest positive impact on your life if you commit to it.

Commit to a 30 day goal. This is the big one—a commitment to change, a decision that will help set your year up to be the best one yet. By the end of the 30 days, what ever your goal, if you have stayed the course, this goal will propel you to the next stage in your growth as a leader, a parent, a friend, or simply a wonderfully optimized human being.

Here’s how we will help you:

(🗸) Hear from the founders and core coaches. These calls will provide you with knowledge to help you with the challenge. They will motivate you and hold you accountable to your commitments.

(🗸) Participate in our short tribe sessions that will introduce you to helpful meditations, powerful breath-work and other practices designed to maximize your potential for success.

(🗸) Connection with your tribe, continuing a high energy together

(🗸) Asynchronous accountability video messaging using the Marco Polo app

(🗸) 60-second video check-in call per week day

(🗸) Your own coach will monitor your progress and offer tips and encouragement

(🗸) This is your opportunity to monitor how you are doing with our bespoke 8 Decisions score card.

(🗸) Including a bespoke reward system to help motivate you

(🗸) Connect with the tribe, hear from others on their wins, and if you wish, share your own breakthroughs and challenges. 

(🗸) Your personalized call to help get you started.

━ 2 Live Tribe Calls every week

(🗸) Hear from the founders and core coaches, these calls will provide you with knowledge to help you with the challenge, they will motivate you and hold you accountable to your commitments.

(🗸) Participate in our short tribe sessions that will introduce you to helpful meditations, powerful breath-work and other practices designed to maximise your potential for success.

(🗸) Connection with your tribe, continuing a high energy together

Accountability small group ━

(🗸) Asynchronous accountability video messaging using the Marco Polo app

(🗸) 60 second video check in call per week day

(🗸) Your own coach will monitor your progress and offer tips and encouragement

━ Accountability Score card

(🗸) This is your opportunity to monitor how you are doing with our bespoke 8 Decisions score card.

(🗸) Including a bespoke reward system to help motivate you

Whatsapp chat for group sharing and encouragement ━

(🗸) Connect with the tribe, hear from others on their wins and if you wish share your own breakthroughs and challenges. 

━ On-Boarding call

(🗸) Your personalised call to help get you started.

Here’s how we will help you:

━ 2 Live Tribe Calls every week
  • Hear from the founders and core coaches, these calls will provide you with knowledge to help you with the challenge, they will motivate you and hold you accountable to your commitments.
  • Participate in our short tribe sessions that will introduce you to helpful meditations, powerful breath-work and other practices designed to maximise your potential for success.
  • Connection with your tribe, continuing a high energy together
━ Accountability small group
  • Asynchronous accountability video messaging using the Marco Polo app
  • 60 second video check in call per week day
  • Your own coach will monitor your progress and offer tips and encouragement
━ Accountability Score card
  • This is your opportunity to monitor how you are doing with our bespoke 8 Decisions score card.
  • Including a bespoke reward system to help motivate you
━ Whatsapp chat for group sharing and encouragement
  • Connect with the tribe, hear from others on their wins and if you wish share your own breakthroughs and challenges.
━ On-Boarding call
  • Your personalised call to help get you started.

When does the challenge start?

2nd January 2024 - Yes, that's right. We want you to start this year off with a bang.

Imagine you have set your goal that will change your life. We invite you to see yourself achieving your goal and realizing the benefits.

At the event, did you make a decision in front of the audience?
How did it feel at the time?
Do you still have that feeling when you look back at that moment?

Tap into that feeling. You will know within you what you need to do and it's ok to reach out and seek support to help you make that dream a reality.

There’s no time like the present. Sign up now. We are looking forward to seeing you: